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Staff Profile

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Profile Details For #Dr. Afrinul H. Khan

Dr. Afrinul H. Khan
Department of English
Assistant Professor (HOD)
M.A., Ph.D.
afrinekhan@nirmalacollegeranchi.com ,afrinulhaqkhan@gmail.com

1.     DATEOF JOINING -01.07.2011


·        Head of the Department of English since 2011.

·        Course Coordinator of the Department of Commerce from 2014 to 2017.

·        Member of Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the college.

·        Member of the Editorial Committee of college newsletter (‘Nirmala Communique’) since2014.

·        Member of debate, quiz and public speaking committee since 2013.

·        Member of the disciplinary committee since 2014.

·        Coordinator of the Career Counselling and Placement Cell since 2017.

3.    Awards& MEMBERSHIP

·        Awarded ‘Best Speaker’ for presentation of paper titled ‘Human Resource and Literature:A Study of the Misuse of Human Resource in Mulkraj Anand’s Two Leaves and a Bud’ at the International Seminar on ‘HumanResource’ organized by Institute for Social Development and Research Ranchi(Jharkhand) held from 1st to 3rd November 2014.

·        Awarded ‘Best Paper Presenter’ by Professor Daniel Sheldon (University of CaliforniaSan Diego)  for presentation of   papertitled ‘From Text to Cinema: Naipaul’s Mystic Masseur Faces Camera’ at the International Conference on ‘Literature to Cinema: Appropriation, Adaptation, Adulteration’ organized by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences National Institute of Technology Durgapur(West Bengal, India).

·        Award for ‘Outstanding Contribution’ at the All-India Essay Writing Event 2011organized by United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan and ShriRam Chandra Mission.

4.    Areas of Specialisation

·        Postcolonial Literature

·        Indian English Literature

·        Women studies

·        British Literature


5.    Ph. D.

2011,Ranchi University, Ranchi, Displacement and Migration: MajorThemes in the Works of V. S. Naipaul”

6.    Publications

·        “‘Masculinizing’ the Women: Strategic De/Reconstruction of Gender in the Fiction of South AsianWomen Writers” in Development, Governance and Gender in South Asia: Perspectives, Issues and Challenges, Springer Nature. 2021.

·        ‘Rewriting the “Vanishing Present” :Translation, Mediation and Cultural Evolution’ in Redefining Translation and Interpretation in Cultural Evolution, IGI Global. 2017

·        Text, Representation and Revision: Re-visioning Partition Violence in Khushwant Singh’s Train to Pakistan and BhishamSahni’s Tamas ,Indialogs, 2016.

·        ‘Migrantsand their Strategies of Survival as Depicted in V. S. Naipaul’s The MysticMasseur’, Development and Conflicts,Eds. Roy Debjani & Avishek Kirti, Mitram: Kolkata, 2015. ISBN978-93-80036-75-5.

·        ‘Foregrounding the Dalit Experience: Mulk Raj Anand in Untouchable’, Major Voices in New Literatures in English, Eds. Kumar Bishun & Neha Arora, Atlantic Publishers: New Delhi, 2015. ISBN 978-81-269-1965-9.

·        ‘From Text to Cinema: Naipaul’s Mystic Masseur Faces Camera’, Literature and Cinema: Appropriation, Adaptation, Adulteration, Eds.Rai Shri Krishan & Rai Anugamini, Lambert Academic Publishing: Saarbrucken ,Germany. 2014. ISBN 978-3848426034.

·        ‘Menand their Manners: Kamala Markandaya’s Nectar in a sieve and Anita Desai’s In Custody, The Gaze Reverted, Ed. S. M. Yahiya Ibrahim, Adhyayan Publishers & Distributers: New Delhi. 2014. ISBN 978-81-8435-379-6.90-99

·        ‘Things Fall Apart: Analyzing the Postcolonial Situation in A Bend in the River’, The Indo-American Review, Ed. R. K.Dhawan, and Suman Bala, Vol. 18. ISSN: 0974-0481

·        ‘Confronting the Problems of Alienation and Identity Crisis: Naipaulian Heroes in The MysticMasseur, The Mimic Men and Half a life.’ The Discourse, Ed. S. C. Gupta and S. M. Y. Ibrahim, Vol.1, Issue 3,October-December 2012. ISSN: 2278-0920. 50-59

·        ‘Memory and Reflection: Tools of Self Recognition in Anita Desai’s Clear Light of Day’ Readings, Ed. Dr. M. Rizwan Khan. Vol.X, No.2, October 2012. ISSN: 2277-8039. 78-85