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Rules & Regulations

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  • Rules & Regulations


General Rules

 1.     Class Hours

·       The Morning Session begin at 7:00 a.m. and end at 11:00 a.m.  The Day Session runs from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

·       The first bell for the class is rung five minutes before the commencement of the forenoon session and second bell at the commencement of the class.  A bell is given at the end of each period.

·       At the first bell before each session the students shall go to their respective classes and take their seats so as to be present when the teacher enters.

·       No students shall leave the class room during the lecture without the permission of the teacher.

 2.     College Uniform

Students have to wear the college uniform as a rule every day.

3.     Identity Card 

·       Every student shall carry the Identity Card with her daily to the college. Any staff members as well as other lawful authorities of the college have the right to ask a student to produce it at any time.

·       The Identity Card should be shown to the authorities concerned before entering the Reading room or the Laboratories.

 4.     Silence and Discipline

Students should avoid talking loudly or screeching in the college. They should enter the college building two minutes before the bell rings. They should not stay in the class room during free periods.

5.     Free Periods

Students should utilize their free periods for the library.Perfect silence should be observed in the library

6.     Tidiness

It is the duty of every student to keep the college premises and surroundings tidy and beautiful. There are litter bins provided for paper etc. Flowers must not be plucked.

7.     Notice

Students must make it a habit to read the notice posted on the notice boards. No notice will be posted on the notice boards by the students without the explicit permission of the principal.

8.     Visitors

Students must not receive visitors during college hours. In case of urgency, the Principal’s permission is essential.

9.     Telephone

Office telephone is not to be used by students except in case of emergency.

10.  Mobile Phone 

·       Use of mobile phones within the College buildings (Classrooms, libraries, laboratories, corridors, etc.) during class hours is not allowed.

·       Within the College buildings the mobile sets must be kept in silent mode/Switch off mode.

·       Within the College Campus cell phones shall be used only for brief, urgent conversations but not during class hours.

 11.  Hostel premises

Day scholars are not permitted to go to the hostel.

12.  Letters

Day scholars are not permitted to have their personal letters addressed to the college.

13.  Assemblies and Function

Students must attend assemblies and other college functions.

14.  Loss of personal belongings

Students are advised to be careful about their persona belongings. The college cannot take responsibility for their loss.

15.  Change of address

All changes in address must be intimated to the college office in writing under the signature of parent/guardian.

16.  Payment of fees

All the students will pay their fees on the specified dates of academic year. The dates for payment of fees for each class will be notified on the notice board.

A late fine of Rs. 300/- will be charged after the due date.

17.  Withdrawal

A student who wishes to leave the college must submit an application to the Principal, her application counter - signed by parent/guardian. Full fees will be charged and the college leaving certificate will be issued on payment of total amount.

18.  Destruction of property

Any student who is responsible for the defacement for the property of the college must pay for its replacement or repair and will be subject to disciplinary action.

19.  Removal

The Principal has the power to strike off the name of any student who is not amendable to college discipline or who is grossly irregular in attendance.

20.  Parking

·       The bicycle and two wheelers are to be parked in the allotted parking places only.

·       Students are requested to lock properly their vehicles and the college does not take any responsibility if the vehicle is stolen.

 21.  Attestation


·       Vice Principal will do the attestation.

·       Sufficient time should be given for this process.

·       During the holidays no attestation will be done.

 22.  College Ground

Students are allowed to sit and relax during leisure hours and are expected to keep the place clean.

23.  Students are directed: 

·       To use decent language and to have concern for others.

·       Not to loiter in the corridor and disturb classes.

·       Not to use recorded music from mobile phone while sitting on the ground, Common room Shed and Quadrangle or anywhere in the college premises.


·       There will be at least two internal examination and students are bound to take both.

·       Examinees will abide by the rules posted on the notice board at the time of examinations. Violation of any one or part of these regulations will be strictly dealt with.

·       Failure to complete the assigned laboratory reports or practical records in her respective subjects renders the student ineligible for the final examination.

·       Promotion from a class to a higher class or selection to the University examination will be determined on the basis of the total marks obtained in the terminal/selection examination.

·       Report of each student’s performance will be sent to her parent or guardian if student or her parent or guardian deposits at the college office, a stamped envelope, with the parent’s or guardian’s address on it.

·       Absence from any College examination should be reported to the Vice Principal/Principal with an application for leave counter signed by parent/guardian before the college examination is held.

·       The selection of candidates for the University Examinations will be on the basis of the performance in this Examination (75%), performance in the Class Test (25%) and percentage of attendance (minimum 75%).


·       Every student is expected to attend at least 80 percent of the number of periods assigned for each subject for acquiring proficiency in a subject.

·       By regulation of Ranchi University, a minimum of two thirds of lectures delivered and three-fourths of tutorials and practical held is required for admission to any University Examination.

·       A Students, who has not been permitted to appear at an Examination because of shortage of attendance, will be required to repeat the same class.

·       At the end of every month up-to-date lists giving percentage of attendance of each student will be displayed on the College Notice Board, and those with low attendance will be called for counseling by the H.O.Ds.


Student must be present in the college from the first day of each term. Resident students must come a day earlier to the hostel. If any student remains absent for two months continuously without any information, her name is struck off the rolls. To continue she will have to take re-admission.

Student must apply for leave in writing to the Vice-Principal. All leave applications must state the roll number, class and subject taken and should be countersigned by parent/ guardian/hostel warden. In case of prolonged illness, the application must be supported by a medical certificate.


1.     Anti-Ragging Squads

Two senior Teachers are the members of the ‘Anti Ragging Squads’. They will raid in the college campus, college and hostel to check the ragging in the month of July and August. They will also take action against ragging.

2.     Anti-Ragging Committee

Three teachers are members of the ‘Anti Ragging Committee’. The Committee will take turn to check the ragging in the college campus, college hostel and the college.   Telephone Numbers of the authority and the members of the committee will be made available to the freshers.

3.     Action Against Ragging 

·       Ragging is strictly prohibited

·       The students caught in ragging will be suspended from all the classes for one month.

·       The students caught in serious ragging will be dismissed from the college.