The Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary founded by Rev. Fr. Peter Joseph Triest in Belgium in 1803 and established in India in Dalhouise in 1901 is missioned to reveal that God is love. Our mission as Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary is to reveal that God is love.
Encouraged by a new understanding of the mission of Christ and living in a changing social context we endeavor our educational apostolate to bring about the kingdom by creating a humane and just social order.
Our educational apostolate therefore aims at creating a human society free from prejudices, superstitions and discrimanations based on sex, religion, caste or economics status leading to concern of one another especially the underpreiviledged.
To implement this vision, the congregation expects the collaboration of a supportive and inspiring management, a dedicated and united staff, concerened parents and valued assitance of the students both past and present, of neighbouring community and government authorities.