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Profile Details For #Dr. Vinita Kumari Sinha

Dr. Vinita Kumari Sinha
Department of Psychology
Assistant Professor
M.A., Ph.D.
vinitasinha@nirmalacollegeranchi.com , vinitasinha00@gmail.com

1.     Date of Joining-03.11.2011

2.      Award& membership          -

·        Life member of Indian Science Congress 

·        Member of APA 

3.      Area of Specialisation                                   Health  Psychology& OB


4.      Major Research Area                       Social Psychology


5.      Research experience                                     08 years


6.      Ph.D                                     

 ·        2018,From  Ranchi University  Ranchi

·        Thesis title –Parental Acceptance-Rejection as Correlates of Emotional Maturity, Psychosocial Adjustment and  Academic Success of College Students

 7.      Publications

·        Sinha, V. K.(2019). Excessiveuse of Internet & its impact on Mental health and Emotional maturity of Adolescents, The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 7 (3), 193-198. 

·        Sinha, V. K.(2019). Psychological  Hardiness of Tribal students in Relation to their Gender & SES, International Journal of Science & Research, 8 (6), 2175-2176.

 ·        Prasad, J.,& Sinha, V. K. (2017).Maternal Acceptance- Rejection and Psychological wellbeing of Adolescents, International Journal of Science & Research.6 (4), 1867-1870. 

·        Roy, B., &Sinha, V. K. (2015). Relationship between Perceived Parental Acceptance- Rejection and Emotional Maturity, Indian Journal Of Applied Research ,5 (9), 450-453. 

·        Sinha, V. K.(2015). Impact of Maternal Acceptance and Rejection on Adjustment level of Girls ,International Journal of Science & Research, 4 (4), 598-600. 

·        Sinha, V. K.(2014). A study of emotional maturity among tribal & non-tribal girls, Indian Journal Of Applied Research ,3 (7),393-395. 

·        Sinha, V. K.(2014). A study of emotional maturity and Adjustment of College Students, Indian Journal of Applied Research ,4(5), 594-596.