Department of Botanyprovides quality education in the field of Plant Science. The departmentpursues holistic development of students by providing conventional classroom,innovative pedagogy with Botanical excursion, seminars, workshops, and Lecturesby eminent resource person/Scientist.
Departmentof Botany have a committed faculty members which excels in research andteaching. The faculty members have published quality research work in reputed Nationaland International Journals. Department of Botany has received grant from DBTStar college scheme.
Themain facilities of Department are:
1. Laboratories-There are two well equipped laboratories. The laboratories are well stockedwith sufficient glassware,chemicals, and reagents to conduct the experiments.
2. Library-A small departmental library having 162 books covering various aspects of thesyllabus.
3. Museum specimen-The department maintains a rich collection of preserved specimens displayingplant diversity.
4. Herbarium-The department has a well stacked herbarium having collection of specimenscovering the diversity of plants,collected from various part of Ranchidistrict.
5. Mushroom Spawn Production Unit- Department has its own Mushroom spawn productionunit which empower the deprived students for their livelihood upliftment.
So,Department is dedicated to impart qualityeducation andskill development in the field of Botany.